Events in São Paulo with simultaneous translation

Events in São Paulo with simultaneous translation; perhaps you have noticed that most events in Brazil take place in São Paulo, the capital. If you work with digital marketing and wish to attend an event, in over 80% of cases, the most relevant events and meetings are held in São Paulo. If you work with technology, finance, agriculture  or medicine, it is the same.

But why does São Paulo hold so many events? Why does this occur? Why do most companies or entrepreneurs contract simultaneous translation services in São Paulo?

The size of the population in São Paulo

The first factor is the size of the population. According to a survey carried out by IBGE in 2017, the city has over 15 million inhabitants and is one of the largest in Latin America. With so many people in a single área, the chances of your event attracting a qualified audience and a large volume of participants is much higher.

Suitable infrastructure for events in São Paulo

Most Brazilian cities are not prepared to host major events throughout the year. São Paulo is an exception because it has many adequate venues in strategic locations, that allow for easy geographical access.

Some examples of venues for

Events in São Paulo with simultaneous translation

  • Frei Caneca Convention Center: a venue with the capacity to attend to 3,800 people in various different rooms.
  • Expo Center Norte: located in the northern part of the city, this is one of the most sought after and well-prepared places to host large events.
  • Rebouças Convention Center: another venue with excellent infrastructure. There are several rooms and auditoriums, as well as ample exhibition space.
  • São Paulo Expo, recently renovated, on the Imigrantes Highway.
  • Transamérica Expo Center, near the hotel Transamerica, in the south zone of the city.

These are just a few examples of venues for events in São Paulo, and it is estimated that there are over 400 others, including areas for holding small events. Without a doubt, it is a city that has been gradually  prepared for this type of activity.

Many companies, many opportunities

São Paulo is the largest metropolis in Latin America and therefore has the biggest number of companies. Depending on the event, it is a wonderful opportunity for organizers and participants to approach companies and generate business.

São Paulo is a city businessmen enjoy

Alongside Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo is one of the cities most liked by companies intending to do business in Brazil; this can be achieved by organizing events to promote business and trade.

Simultaneous translation São Paulo

In high demand, the city is the true capital of simultaneous translation services, because events, whether large or small, require interpreters to guarantee the quality of communication when there are foreign participants.

Some of the best interpreters in Brazil are located in São Paulo. This is the case of the company Interpretes Profissionais, run by interpreter Vivian Haynes who has been in the simultaneous translation business since 2000, attending many companies and participating in hundreds of successful events.

So, if you are going to organize an event, study the possibilities because São Paulo  is a true capital of events and full of opportunities; and of course, do not forget to rely on our simultaneous translation SP solutions. You can speak to Vivian through WhatsApp by contacting 55 11 9 9934 4647.

Visit our LinkedIn page at Simultaneous Translation Brazil

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Events in São Paulo with simultaneous translation

Events in São Paulo with simultaneous translation