Organizing events is not the simplest task, especially when it is the first time you do this. The fact is that delivering relevant events that benefit companies and organizations in a strategic way, bringing them closer to their target audience, and creating an impact on brand relations with customers, and of course, those involved in the organization, is a great idea. How about learning some new ideas for corporate events? How about innovative attraction tips for such events?
The success of any event depends on a number of factors, from location, best deals and suppliers, strategic investments in communication and marketing, and perhaps one of the most important things: what the event has to offer.
Regardless of the segment and target audience that your event plans to reach, the important thing is that there is clear programming and relevant attractions. And that’s what we want suggest, to give you some new ideas.
How to organize events with great ideas and attractions
Good ideas for corporate events – Foreign speakers
Certainly in most segments there is always some well-known and desired international influencer. Attracting them can be a good deal because it calls the attention of a huge slice of interested people to listen.
For example, if you organize an event about Journalism and Communications, it would be a great attraction if you can bring someone like Paul Krugman, a relevant communicator in the United States and a columnist for The New York Times to be a speaker. Whoever works in communication in Brazil would love to listen to a lecture by such a well known person.
And in these cases, when you get foreigners to speak at your event, it is fundamental to hire simultaneous translation services, which will be responsible for ensuring effective communication between the speaker and participants who do not know the guest’s native language.
Read about some good tips on how to hire simultaneous or consecutive translation for your event.
Motivational speakers
One of the best ideas for corporate events is to invite a motivational speaker, people usually love this, and there are numerous professionals specializing in lectures of this type. Influential people who give motivational speeches are always welcome. For example, former US President Barack Obama gives motivational talks. So does Bill Clinton.
Vivian Haynes, interpreter, was responsible for the simultaneous translation at an event where the first Brazilian astronaut to go to space participated and spoke. Marcos Pontes gave a motivational speech that certainly entranced and motivated all the participants, he was amazing.
► Music and dance
In most cases, it could also be interesting to organize, according to the schedule of the event, musical attractions or a dance. It is common in the intervals or even at the end of the event to provide such entertainment with a band, DJ, among others. This makes the event more animated, and generates plenty of content on social media.
► Food
The famous “Coffee Breaks” (snacks and coffee between lectures) are common. But the event becomes even more interesting if waiters offer drinks, sweets, snacks and appetizers more often, during the event. It is also a great opportunity to attract food companies to sponsor your event.
► Photographic Booths
In most cases, having interactive photo booths is a great entertainment opportunity and of course, the photos produced by the participants themselves can be natural marketing, that is, the images are promoted by participants on social networks, for example.
► Comedians
Have you thought of having a comedian that tells jokes and interacts with the audience, making everyone laugh? It is a good idea to make the event unforgettable, regardless of which segment it is, whether it is industry, communications or technology , a good comedian always goes down well. The comedian can generate a new dynamic, a pleasant interaction to make the event even better, and it can also can spark the desire of the participants to visit future editions of the event.
► Technological interactivity
And what if during the interval of a lecture or before starting the event, the participants could have fun with electronic games or augmented reality? The famous virtual glasses are great. The electronic games that provide movement are also great! No doubt people will comment on your event because of these amazing details.
Did you enjoy our suggestions with good ideas for corporate events? Do you know how to organize an event for your target audience? So now let’s get down to some hard work for you to have a really successful event.
Interpreters – Simultaneous Translation for Brazil
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