Simultaneous translation about irrigation systems in Brazil
In Ribeirão Preto, at the excellent HOTEL JP we were responsible for the simultaneous translation about irrigation systems in Brasil. In these dry times, this topic is of extreme importance for farming. We learned that there are several ways of carrying out irrigation: the NETAFIM company for which we worked mainly sells the drip system which is very efficient, with excellent results.
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It needs a source of water, piping to bring the water to the site that will be irrigated and fine pipes that will be linked to the main pipeline to form an extensive network, to assure the whole area will be irrigated. The company is originally from Israel and we translated to the Marketing Director of the company who attended the event.

Simultaneous translation about irrigation systems in Brazil
There are many different methods of how you can supply water to a large body of plants. With each one, the water is supplied in different volumes, reaching different areas, which could have an effect on plant growth. The bottom line is that some systems are better for certain plants than others.
Of the many types of irrigation systems that currently exist, drip irrigation systems are arguably the most popular, for several reasons.
Decreases Weed Growth: One advantage of drip irrigation is that it’s specifically laced through the plants that you want to water, and due to the nature of the system, it’s hard for that water to go very far. This means that weeds in your soil won’t benefit from this watering system, ultimately reducing the overall number.
Efficient Water Usage: In terms of efficiently using water, there’s not even an argument here. Drip irrigation is by far the best use of water. Not only does it use much less, the water that it does use is less prone to evaporation. We do simultaneous translation anywhere in Brazil. Contact us interpreters Brazil
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